Askjerry... Everyone else does.

This is my big announcement video!

The mill has been rebuilt and a completely new panel with added features has been added. The computer now has dual printer ports (Parallel Ports) which gives me many more connections to add features. The mill can now detect a malfunction with a driver and halt the process so that the part is not ruined. It makes it much faster to restart the job when the issue is corrected.

Here is the video, then I'll list some of the new features and some of the videos leading up to this one.

The mill now has these added features...
Not everything went smoothly... when getting the automatic homing set up, I was having issues with the mill freezing up and not properly reading the switches. I needed to make an interface board to help match the signals properly.

Having problems Getting the Machine Homed

To get the opening shot for the announcement video, I needed to use a JIB CRANE... but I didn't have one. I didn't know any friends who may have had one except Mitch Bergsma... but he was busy doing a photo shoot. So what to do???

I built a JIB CRANE for my video...

Stay tuned for more videos to come!
Don't forget to also check out my BLOG!